понедельник, 29 ноября 2010 г.



Korotkov K., Borisova M.

Currently considerable attention is being focused on the study of the structural properties of water and the possibility of transfer of data through water. According to the viewpoint that has shaped, the phenomena observed during the experiments are determined by the processes of clusters and clathrates formation, mainly at the atoms of admixtures. The task of introducing these notions into the scope of contemporary scientific thinking requires, first of all, a set of probative and reproducible experimental facts. Water is a complex subject of study, and its properties depend on a great number of factors; this requires that several independent techniques should be used in parallel, and that new informative methods for study of water properties should be developed and introduced into practice.

The high degree of informativeness of the GDV method that is applied for studying liquid-phase subjects was demonstrated during the study of the glow of microbiological cultures [1], blood of healthy people and cancer patients [2], reaction of blood towards allergens [3], homeopathic remedies of 30С potency [4] and flower essences [5], and very small concentrations of various salts [6].
In particular, the experiments showed that the samplings of the GDV images’ parameters of distilled water obtained in different days do not have any statistically significant differences. The same results were obtained for one-normal electrolytic solutions NaCl, KCl, NaNO3 and KNO3, which allows concluding that the experimental data for liquid-phase subjects obtained by means of the GDV-method are highly reproducible. The differences between the glow parameters of the solutions and distilled water are observed until the 2-15 dilution; however, the dynamic trends of the 2-15 dilution and distilled water still have different directions.
Great interest has been roused by the studies directed at detecting the differences between the glow of natural and synthetic essential oils with identical chemical composition [7].
The oils were analyzed in order to detect possible differences between oils that were obtained by means of natural and synthetic processes, between oils of organic and regular origin; between oils obtained in different climatic conditions and extracted by means of different methods; between oils with different optical activity; between fresh oils and oils that were oxidized by various methods. The combinations of oils under study did not show any statistically significant differences when analyzed by means of the gas chromatography method.
The study of natural and synthetic oils showed that the main difference between them consists in that the natural oils have greater value of intensity and smaller value of the area of lightning. Sometimes the differences can be observed some time after the beginning of the GDV processes for the oils. For example, typical dynamics of the time series’ trends is observed for the Russian, Bulgarian and Moroccan rose oils, where during the first 0.06 seconds the data for said oils did not reveal any statistically significant differences, but at the end of this period certain statistically significant differences between the Russian rose oil and the other two oils began to show. Statistically significant differences between the Bulgarian and Moroccan oils could be seen after 0.9 seconds of observation. The study of oils with different optical activity is of particular interest. The oils from this group are stereoisomers, i.e., compounds that are formed by identical set of atoms with identical order of chemical bonds and differ only in the positioning of the atoms within the three-dimensional space. After interacting with such mediums a ray of light becomes either clockwise or counterclockwise polarized. The results of the experiment showed that the pairs of oils Dextro Carvone vs. Laevo Carvone, Dextro Limonene vs. Laevo Limonene and Dextro Linalool vs. Laevo Linalool have differing parameters of the GDV images. When the fractal dimensionality of the sinistrorotary mediums (Laevo Limonene, Laevo Linalool) is smaller than that of the dextrorotary isomers, ascending trends of the time series of the lightning areas are observed. As for the Dextro Carvone vs. Laevo Carvone pair, the sinistrorotary medium of the Laevo Carvone oil has greater fractal dimentionality, and therefore the trends of the time series of the lightning areas are descending. During the study of 60 pairs of oils having similar chemical compositions, 52 combinations of oils were found to have some statistically significant differences according to various analysis techniques.
Below are presented the results of one of the experiments aimed at the study of the glow parameters of water.

Description of the experiment:

During the experiment the following subjects were studied: bottled drinking mineral water, which had been purchased in one of the stores in St. Petersburg (referred to as W1) and the same water with added biologically active additives (BAA), referred to as W2. The liquids were studied right after the depressurization of the bottles and 4 hours later (these samplings are referred to as W3 and W4, respectively). Reference sample was represented by pharmaceutical ampoule-stored distilled water with same salts added.
When the GDV-parameters are measured for liquid subjects, a drop of the liquid is suspended at 2-3 mm distance above the glass surface of the optical window of the device, and the glow from the meniscus pf the liquid is registered. Time dynamics of the GDV-parameters was measured by means of the commercially produced device “GDV Camera”, which is manufactured by KTI company, St. Petersburg (www.korotkov.org). In order to estimate the statistical reproducibility of the data, no less than 10 independent measurements were taken for each type of the water, whereupon the results were averaged.
All studies were conducted at temperatures within the range of 22.5-23.5°С and relative humidity of 42-44%.

Results of the experiment:

Fig.1 shows the changes of the GDV-parameters plotted against the time duration of the electric field’s influence on the drop of the solution.

Fig. 1. Time dependence of the GDV-glow area of the water drop. 1,2 – Samples W1 and W2, which were taken right after the depressurization of the bottle. 3,4 – Samples W3 and W4 which were taken 4 hours after the depressurization of the bottle. 5 – Distilled water with added salts.

The presented data show that right after the depressurization of the bottle the glow of water is characterized by great variability between the measurements and by considerable increase of the values of parameters, with two distinct phases: during the first 30-40 seconds, and then until 2 minutes after the depressurization; 2 minutes after the depressurization the results become stabilized. For the samples of water that were taken 4 hours after the depressurization, a rise can be observed during the first 40 seconds; after that the parameters remain stable. Same behavior is observed for the salt solution; however, its glow amplitude is considerably lower. The obtained data allow concluding the following.

1. As soon as the bottle is opened, the mineral water interacts with the oxygen from the air and with the applied field, whereupon its state is actively changed towards the stable level. This process seems analogous to the process of wine ageing upon air exposure.
2. During the first 30-40 seconds after the application of the field the liquid undergoes active structuring process accompanied with the increase in the glow amplitude. This process may be connected with the formation of the conductivity channels within the liquid.
3. When the liquid is exposed to air during 4 hours, the amplitude and nature of its glow undergo substantial changes. This may be related to the degassing of the mineral water.
4. The introduction of BAA into water does not influence the nature of its glow.


The mentioned data show that the GDV method has high selectiveness and sensitivity when used for the study of liquid-phase objects, in particular, various types of water. The obtained information depends on the chemical composition of water, but the determining and the most curious dependency is the dependency on the structural composition of the liquid. The GDV-glow parameters are determined by the emission activity of the surface layer of the liquid, which depends on the presence of surface-active valences. This property is obviously determined by the structure of the near-surface clusters, which means that the GDV-method is one of the most informative methods for study of structural-informational properties of liquids. Today we have every reason to include the GDV-method into the framework of the full-scale study of water and liquids properties.
The study of the influence of the human consciousness on the GDV-parameters of water represents an interesting area of research. Numerous experiments showed that mental influence results in statistically different changes of the parameters of the GDV-glow of water that remain intact for a long time [8]. These results are not of purely gnoseological importance, but of a real practical value as well, because they prove that the quality of food depends on the mental mood of the person that prepared it. As the saying goes, “poison given by a wise man is better than manna given by an enemy”. We are sure that the GDV method will help find increasingly numerous applications for the study of properties of liquids.

* Gudakova G., Galinkin V., Korotkov K. Study of the phases of the development of fungi CANDIDA by Gas Discharge Visualization technique (Kirlian effect)/J of Mycology and Fitology (in Russian) 1990. v.24, N 2. pp. 174-179
* Koroktov K., Gurvitz B., Krilov B. New conceptual approach to the early diagnosis of cancer. / Consciousness and Physical Reality (in Russian) 1998. v. 3, № 1, pp. 51-58.
* Sviridov L., Stepanov A., Hlopunova O., Koroktov K., Ahmeteli G., Korotkina S., Kriganovski E. Registration of the agglutination reaction by Gas Discharge Visualization technique./ Modern Microbiology. Proceedings of the scientific conference. (in Russian). 2003. Saint Petersburg, pp. 32-33.
* Bell I., Lewis D.A., Brooks A.J., Lewis S.E., Schwartz G.E. Gas Discharge Visualisation Evaluation of Ultramolecular Doses of Homeopathic Medicines Under Blinded, Controlled Conditions. J of Alternative and Complementary Medicine, - 2003, - 9, №1, рр. 25-37.
* Korotkov K. Spiral Travers. Backbone Publishing Company. NY. 2007.
* Korotkov K., Korotkin D. Concentration dependence of gas discharge around drops of inorganic electrolytes. J of Applied Physics, 2001, 89, 9, 4732-4737.
* Korotkov K., Krizhanovsky E., Borisova M., Hayes M., Matravers P., Momoh K.S., Peterson P., Shiozawa K., and Vainshelboim A. The Research of the Time Dynamics of the Gas Discharge Around Drops of Liquids. J of Applied Physics. 2004
* Measuring energy Fields. Backbone Publishing Company. NY. 2004

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