понедельник, 29 ноября 2010 г.

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    (2011/Welcome to Saint Petersburg 2011!)

    ... with the environment. SportS – innovation technologies in sport and physical culture for life and health. WATER – the special state of the matter, water properties and importance for Living on the ...


    (2007/Science Information Spirit)

    ... resonance processes for maintaining coordinated metabolic action, [6] and the role of water and reactive oxygen species (ROS) in providing information flow, energy reservoirs and energy pumping, [7,8] ...


    (2007/Science Information Spirit)

    PRINCIPLES OF THE ANALYSIS OF STIMULATED GLOW OF LIGUIDS AND MATERIALS Korotkov K., Borisova M. Currently considerable attention is being focused on the study of the structural properties of water ...


    (2007/Science Information Spirit)

    ... processes. Another method is the registration of the influence of human consciousness on physical sensors. One of the most recent is water, or specially constructed systems. Many experiments have ...


    (2007/Science Information Spirit)

    ... Ashram Yoga Retreat to people and water energy state. Technique: Electrophotonic GDV Bioelectrography (see Appendiix). Experimental procedure 1: People were measured after arriving to the Retreat ...


    (2007/Science Information Spirit)

    ... with 360 seconds interval. All the process took 450 seconds x 5 rounds = 2250 seconds or approximately 42 minutes. Sensors were as follows: Antenna sensor;Water sensor;Three earth sensors. 2. ...


    (2007/Science Information Spirit)

    ... impossible to walk through a wall, to dissolve in a glass of water, your eyes are open and you see, your eyes are closed and you don’t. And behind this confidence stands not only the gained experience ...


    (2007/Science Information Spirit)

    ... no food intake was allowed, only to drink tap water. Mobile phones had to be switched off at least one hour before the tests. 2.1. Experimental Timing Test persons during the experiments were ...


    (2007/Science Information Spirit)

    WATER, CONSCIOUSNESS, ILLESSES and GDV BIOELECTROGRAFY Dolgushev M.E. Ukraine, Kirovograd, private enterprise "Health and Ecology" The suggested materials are theses of not an ordinary scientific ...


    (2006/Science Information Spirit)

    ... resonance processes for maintaining coordinated metabolic action, [6] and the role of water and reactive oxygen species (ROS) in providing information flow, energy reservoirs and energy pumping, [7,8] ...


    (2006/Science Information Spirit)

    ... discovered the phenomenon which may probably resolve this contradiction. When a thin layer of water hydrating a hygroscopic surface absorbs rare UV-photons capable to split water molecules, a flash ...


    (2006/Science Information Spirit)

    THE SPATIAL-TIME DEPENDENCE OF WATER SAMPLES GDV-FLUORESCENCE ON INTENSITY OF COSMIC RAYS FLOW Trofimov A.V., Devitsin D.V. International Scientific – Research Institute of Cosmic Anthropoecology ...


    (2006/Science Information Spirit)

    ... gelation, coherent pumping, ordered water, a condensed charge phase surrounding microtubules, and topological quantum error correction. Enhanced surface area in actin gelation (‘gel”) leads to ordering ...

  14. A BIRD

    (2006/Science Information Spirit)

    ... from Panama to Canada by using doubly labeled water was reported by a big international group (1). In accordance with their measurements migratory flight used 15.5 kJ* h-1 total energy while flying, ...


    (2006/Science Information Spirit)

    ... allowances: —human body is modeled as a volume containing 0.9% solution of NaCl salt (the ratio of the waterless salt and the solution masses multiplied by 100%). Physiological solutions, blood plasma ...


    (2005/Techniques and Methodics)

    ... is claimed that when rare UV photons with the energy >4 eV capable to split water molecules are absorbed by a multilayered water film wetting a hygroscopic surface a process develops in the film ...


    (2005/Techniques and Methodics)

    ... humidity levels using a sealed chamber specially designed for the purpose. Temperature and barometric pressure and were kept constant. Humidity in the chamber was increased from by blowing water vapor ...


    (2005/Techniques and Methodics)

    WATER DISSOCIATION IN CAPILLARIES AND THE GDV GLOW INTENSITY OF LIQUIDS AND HUMAN BEINGS . S . F. Shishkanov , P . U . Apel , D . A . Selivanovsky , S . V . Katin , L.G. Domracheva , E.G. Domracheva ...


    (2005/Techniques and Methodics)



    (2005/Information and Consciousness)


  21. Experiments with “5 th Element”

    (2005/Information and Consciousness)

    ... sensors: electrode placed in water (river, stream, lake, etc.); electrode grounded to the earth; electrode stick into wood and electrode connected to the antenna. At every contact position dynamic AVI ...

  22. Influence of the hydrogen peroxide

    (2005/Biology and Medicine)

    ... of active oxygen forms in blood and in water model systems . Author ' s abstract . Thesis for a Doctor of Biology degree. Moscow State University, Moscow, 2003. ...


    (2005/Biology and Medicine)

    ... in the nonequilibrium condition, arising at evaporation of the open system far from equelibrium protein – water /Rapis Е .1988-2004/.The fact testifies to an opportunity in complex system of whey on ...


    (2005/Biology and Medicine)

    ... 1971; 16: 1204 • Antoshechkin A. The primary adaptogens: powerful remedies of prophylactic medicine. 2001.Ceptima Publishing. Clearwater Fl.) • http://www.venezuelasaludable.gov.ve/secciones/doc_tecnica/AnalisisPreliminarSituacionSaludVzla.pdf ...


    (2005/Biology and Medicine)

    ... only one many of the components that define health. It works together with genetic predisposition, psycho-emotional states, environmental loading (food, water, air, ecology) and other factors. This ...


    (2004/Water and Materials)

    ... of detecting such connections. With this purpose, we investigated consecutive dilutions of glycerin in distilled water in order to disclose the possibility of influence of solution's viscosity upon ...


    (2004/Water and Materials)

    ... and cosmetology. Many of the known traditional physical and chemical methods of the analysis having high accuracy for definition of physical and chemical properties of water systems, have own limitations ...


    (2004/Water and Materials)




    ... component in the upper region of water saturated epidermis layer. This strengthening results in generation of a cellular membrane potential. With the help of developed theory the experimentally registered ...



    ... aspects of human activity. These are heliomagnetic effects, variation of light, periodicals static electricity, water-salt balance disorder, hypodynamia due to spending much time indoors. A separate ...

  31. Water and Materials





Korotkov K.

The working of all the organs and systems is regulated by the central nervous system (CNS) and the autonomous nervous system (ANS).

It is possible to draw a similarity between the working of the body and the playing of a symphony orchestra. The finest movements of dozens of people in the orchestra are in total harmony, they are following the same part and respond sensitively to the tiniest direction from the conductor. You could single out the viola or oboe part, and they would sound like part of one beautiful melody.
It is the same in the body: each organ and each system plays its role, but they are all following one rhythm, one autonomous control.
But then one of the violins loses the rhythm, falling out of time with the overall control system. This goes unnoticed by the untrained ear, and only an experienced listener will hear the wrong note. The melody will sound, but the greater the number of instruments which fall out of line with the control system, the stronger and more noticeable the dissonance will be, until finally even the most uneducated listener will start to wince and slowly creep out of the hall.

This analogy can be applied to the working of the body. As long as all systems and organs are working in harmony, in unison, following the same programme, the body is at its optimal functioning level. Control and direction are ensured by two fundamental mechanisms:

  1. autonomous control by the nervous system (ANS), including neurohumoral regulation of activity;
  2. electron control through active forms of oxygen in the blood.

It could be said that this control is the base level, making it possible to detect all external impacts and react to them instantly, supporting Homeostasis and the relative constancy of the body’s internal environment.
If a person runs about and makes a few sudden movements, and the ANS increases the frequency of the heart’s contractions, then breathing speeds up, increasing perspiration. More oxygen gets into the blood, and this oxygen is more actively conveyed to the tissues, with some of the by-products of the decline coming out through the skin.
The reaction takes places almost instantaneously, and the whole body, all its systems and organs, are engaged by this reaction. This is evidence of that all the organs and systems are working in a synchronised way under the control of a single commanding system. Everything happens as in a well-tuned orchestra.
When autonomous regulation fails and that synchronicity is lost, the organs and systems stop working in harmony and functional abnormalities appear. In the first pores, these abnormalities appear as a bad state of health, disturbed sleep and digestion, and abnormalities with perspiration and so on. Continued dysfunction leads to abnormalities at the level of the organs, though the area of abnormality depends on the type of load and genetic predisposition.
This rather simplified diagram shows the general character of the body’s reactions and the development of diseases. It can be presented in the following way (Fig.1.3.).
Reacting to commands coming from the CNS and the surrounding environment, the ANS and blood send information control signals to the body’s systems and organs. These signals are ‘processed’ both at the physiological level of systems and by engaging the endocrine and immune systems. Information is transferred to the controlling organs, forming a Biological Reverse System (BRS). In this way, a closed circuit of control is formed. When there is an abnormality in any one of the information links, the circuit fails and de-synchronization occurs, reflected in the functional abnormalities at all of the most vital levels.
Therefore, the autonomous nervous system enters into the first circuit of control, and all the potential problems appear mainly at the level of ANC activity.
There are many experimental data which prove that the EPC method measures the activity of the autonomous nervous system. This is proved by statistically significant correlations with the results of the measurements of the variability of cardiac rhythm [1], of systolic and diasystolic pressure [2], perspiration through the skin [3], and the stress level [4].

There is every justification for affirming that the parameters of EPC images reflect the activity of the autonomous nervous system and the balance of sympathetic and parasympathetic sections of this system.

What is the sensitivity of the EPC method based on?

The autonomous nervous system is the main indicator of the body’s reaction to external and internal impacts – from changes in the weather, chemicals in food and the efficiency of oxygen absorption to emotional worries. All of these processes are processed by the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system and are reflected on the parameters of the cutaneous covering. The electrical resistance of the skin changes, both as a whole and at electro-puncture points, the capillaries narrow and widen, and there is an emission of organic molecules through the pores, the nature of the transfer of electrons to the connective tissues also changes. All of these processes influence the emission of electrons from the skin and the development of electron avalanches, which is reflected in the parameters of the EPC-gram.
Many years of research into the physics and biophysics of the visualization processes have made it possible to discern optimal conditions for the development of all processes, which made it possible to obtain sensitive but well-reproduced EPC images.

The influence of mental, emotional and spiritual processes on EPC/EPC images

An interesting aspect of EPC applications is the research of consciousness processes. Many years of experimentation have made it possible to identify bioelectrographic correlates of altered states of consciousness (ASC) [5]. This is a particular state, which a person enters during meditation, mental training, religious ecstasy, or when under the influence of drugs or psychedelics. For many years we have been measuring Russian extrasensories, Candamblier priests in Brazil, participants of the Ayurbasko ceremony in Peru, Chinese Tsigun masters, sensories in Germany, the USA, Slovenia [8] And almost everywhere we obtain signs characteristic of ASC. Similar results, using the most diverse devices and methods, were obtained in the laboratories of different countries [6]. This shows that the processes of consciousness are apparent on the physiological processes measured by the EPC method.
We do not intend in this book to discuss the philosophical aspects of the process of researching consciousness. That could be the theme of an entirely separate, specialized book. Let us look simply at the opinions on which our work is based. We support the idea that consciousness is a category of a different space-time continuum which does not belong to the material world. The principles of work of consciousness are to a large extent modelled on the quantum mechanics paradigm, but clearly this is but a superficial analogy. We are still a long way from understanding the working mechanisms of consciousness, taking into account not only its individual manifestation in each person, but its collective processes. Human consciousness is a process of interaction between a person and a collective field, thanks to which new ideas are formed, and the field is the place to which they return, making a contribution to the collective mind of humanity.
With physical devices we measure physical processes, i.e. processes of the material world. This is connected to biology as much as to physics and chemistry. That is why we can only measure the influence of consciousness on physiological or physical processes. This influence is conveyed along several channels, primarily through the cerebrum, which takes an active part in thought and emotion processes. The brain produces a cascade of chemical substances which influence physiological processes, and also the central nervous system models the work of the autonomous nervous system [7].
We have already left behind the idea that the brain produces consciousness like the liver produces bile. It is better presented as a receptacle which reacts to the signals of the surrounding space, including signals from the collective field. Hairs can act as the antenna of these signals, as they react to the external field and transmit these signals to the cutaneous covering, possible with some intensification. The numerous results of our experiments testify to this.
The heart is another organ which takes part in the processes of consciousness. This is not merely a pump for blood, but an organ which regulates the blood flow and, accordingly, oxygen, in all areas of the human body. There are data showing that after a heart transplant, a person takes on many behavioural characteristics of the donor. So we can conclude that the heart, at least, has a memory, i.e. it takes part in consciousness processes.
The experiment processes measure the influence of consciousness on physiological processes, and in this regard the EPC method is very sensitive as it reacts to subtle changes in the working of the ANS. This makes it possible to register subconscious and emotional processes.
Another method is the registration of the influence of human consciousness on physical sensors. One of the most recent is water, or specially constructed systems. Many experiments have proved that such an approach is highly effective [8].
Modern science has only just begun to research consciousness. Following the remarkable insights of Jung and Freud, a significant process was set in motion to study the brain’s neurone mechanisms, in particular using modern methods of computer mapping. Yet we are still only in the early stages of the process of researching consciousness, and the most important thing at the moment is the set of experimental data. Their meta-analysis at a specific stage will provide an awareness of new concepts and lead us toward a new understanding.

Energy fields, meridians and chakras

All of the principles cited are based on concepts of Western science and Western medicine. The disenchanted reader interjects, “But where is all the charm of fields, energies, meridians and energy channels? For all those years we studied the Kirlian effect and EPC/GDV so as to be able to measure these mysterious yet appealing parameters. Has all that really been forgotten and lost?”
Of course not. We do not intend to turn away from the axioms and catchwords advanced in previous years. We have more grounds than ever for continuing to affirm that we really are objectively measuring the energetic activity of fields, meridians and energy canals. At the same time we are also measuring the activity of the autonomic nervous system. How do these two things fit together?
For thousands of years, health and longevity have been the subject of extensive research in all of the world’s civilizations. Doctors, practitioners and astrologers tried to penetrate the mysteries of life and death. There followed concepts trying to explain illness and ageing, temperament and character. The majority of these have been lost in the sands of time, and only faint echoes have reached us through scraps of manuscripts. But the manuscripts which did reach us are based on principles which differ from the Western materialistic outlook. These are the principles of the Earth, the energy of trees, grass and people. During the expedition to the land of the Sierra Nevada Indians in Columbia, we spoke to them in the language of energy, and they accepted us, opened their soul and sanctuary to us. So when we speak about energy fields, about meridians and charkas, we are using a language created by other civilizations – a language which, on an intuitive level, hands down ideas which have been proved by the practice of thousands of years.

The EPC/GDV method bridges the gap between logical Western science and the intuitive science of the Orient. It makes it possible to present the same phenomenon in different languages, in different systems, and to look at the same phenomenon from different points of view.

If you are familiar with the principles of Traditional Chinese Medicine, if you accept the ideas of meridians and energy channels and energy fields, then the EPC/GDV method is for you – particularly since the concept of electropuncture is already well integrated into modern Western medicine. If you feel close to the ideas of Ayurvedic medicine, you can successfully use the EPC/GDV Chakra program which carries additional information in comparison to the other programs. And in any language it is possible to speak of energy measurements and of the energy potential of organs and systems. The concepts set out above provide these ideas with modern Western analogies and connect them to the current scientific paradigm.
We hope that the data obtained through the EPC/GDV method broadens that paradigm, giving it new content and a new language.

  • Cioca GH, Giacomoni P, Rein G. A correlation between EPC and heart rate variability measures: a new measure of well being. In Measuring Energy Fields: State of the Art. EPC Bioelectrography series. Vol. I. Korotkov K. (Ed.). Backbone Publishing Co. Fair Lawn, USA, 2004. pp. 59-64.
  • Alexandrova R., Fedoseev G., Korotkov K., Philippova N., Zayzev S., Magidov M., Petrovsky I. Analysis of the bioelectrograms of bronchial asthma patients. In Measuring Energy Fields: State of the Art. EPC Bioelectrography series. Vol. I. Korotkov K. (Ed.). Backbone Publishing Co. Fair Lawn, USA, 2004. pp. 75-82.
  • Rizzo-Roberts N. EPC description and discussion of safety issues. In Measuring Energy Fields: State of the Art. EPC Bioelectrography series. Vol. I. Korotkov K. (Ed.). Backbone Publishing Co. Fair Lawn, USA, 2004. pp. 25-30.
  • Bundzen P., Korotkov K., Nazarov I., Rogozkin V. Psychophysical and Genetic Determination of Quantum-Field Level of the Organism Functioning. Frontier Perspectives, 2002, 11, 2, 8-14.
  • Bundzen P., Korotkov K., Unestahl L.-E. Altered States of Consciousness: Review of Experimental Data Obtained with a Multiple Techniques Approach. J of Alternative and Complementary Medicine, 2002, 8 (2), 153-167.
  • Radin D. The Conscious Universe. HarperEdge. 1997
  • Wisneski L., Anderson L. The Scientific Basis of Integrative Medicine. CRC Press. 2005.
  • Science of Whole Person Healing. Volumes 1 and 2. Rustum Roy (Ed.). New York, Lincoln, Shanghai. 2004.




Korotkov K., Borisova M.

Currently considerable attention is being focused on the study of the structural properties of water and the possibility of transfer of data through water. According to the viewpoint that has shaped, the phenomena observed during the experiments are determined by the processes of clusters and clathrates formation, mainly at the atoms of admixtures. The task of introducing these notions into the scope of contemporary scientific thinking requires, first of all, a set of probative and reproducible experimental facts. Water is a complex subject of study, and its properties depend on a great number of factors; this requires that several independent techniques should be used in parallel, and that new informative methods for study of water properties should be developed and introduced into practice.

The high degree of informativeness of the GDV method that is applied for studying liquid-phase subjects was demonstrated during the study of the glow of microbiological cultures [1], blood of healthy people and cancer patients [2], reaction of blood towards allergens [3], homeopathic remedies of 30С potency [4] and flower essences [5], and very small concentrations of various salts [6].
In particular, the experiments showed that the samplings of the GDV images’ parameters of distilled water obtained in different days do not have any statistically significant differences. The same results were obtained for one-normal electrolytic solutions NaCl, KCl, NaNO3 and KNO3, which allows concluding that the experimental data for liquid-phase subjects obtained by means of the GDV-method are highly reproducible. The differences between the glow parameters of the solutions and distilled water are observed until the 2-15 dilution; however, the dynamic trends of the 2-15 dilution and distilled water still have different directions.
Great interest has been roused by the studies directed at detecting the differences between the glow of natural and synthetic essential oils with identical chemical composition [7].
The oils were analyzed in order to detect possible differences between oils that were obtained by means of natural and synthetic processes, between oils of organic and regular origin; between oils obtained in different climatic conditions and extracted by means of different methods; between oils with different optical activity; between fresh oils and oils that were oxidized by various methods. The combinations of oils under study did not show any statistically significant differences when analyzed by means of the gas chromatography method.
The study of natural and synthetic oils showed that the main difference between them consists in that the natural oils have greater value of intensity and smaller value of the area of lightning. Sometimes the differences can be observed some time after the beginning of the GDV processes for the oils. For example, typical dynamics of the time series’ trends is observed for the Russian, Bulgarian and Moroccan rose oils, where during the first 0.06 seconds the data for said oils did not reveal any statistically significant differences, but at the end of this period certain statistically significant differences between the Russian rose oil and the other two oils began to show. Statistically significant differences between the Bulgarian and Moroccan oils could be seen after 0.9 seconds of observation. The study of oils with different optical activity is of particular interest. The oils from this group are stereoisomers, i.e., compounds that are formed by identical set of atoms with identical order of chemical bonds and differ only in the positioning of the atoms within the three-dimensional space. After interacting with such mediums a ray of light becomes either clockwise or counterclockwise polarized. The results of the experiment showed that the pairs of oils Dextro Carvone vs. Laevo Carvone, Dextro Limonene vs. Laevo Limonene and Dextro Linalool vs. Laevo Linalool have differing parameters of the GDV images. When the fractal dimensionality of the sinistrorotary mediums (Laevo Limonene, Laevo Linalool) is smaller than that of the dextrorotary isomers, ascending trends of the time series of the lightning areas are observed. As for the Dextro Carvone vs. Laevo Carvone pair, the sinistrorotary medium of the Laevo Carvone oil has greater fractal dimentionality, and therefore the trends of the time series of the lightning areas are descending. During the study of 60 pairs of oils having similar chemical compositions, 52 combinations of oils were found to have some statistically significant differences according to various analysis techniques.
Below are presented the results of one of the experiments aimed at the study of the glow parameters of water.

Description of the experiment:

During the experiment the following subjects were studied: bottled drinking mineral water, which had been purchased in one of the stores in St. Petersburg (referred to as W1) and the same water with added biologically active additives (BAA), referred to as W2. The liquids were studied right after the depressurization of the bottles and 4 hours later (these samplings are referred to as W3 and W4, respectively). Reference sample was represented by pharmaceutical ampoule-stored distilled water with same salts added.
When the GDV-parameters are measured for liquid subjects, a drop of the liquid is suspended at 2-3 mm distance above the glass surface of the optical window of the device, and the glow from the meniscus pf the liquid is registered. Time dynamics of the GDV-parameters was measured by means of the commercially produced device “GDV Camera”, which is manufactured by KTI company, St. Petersburg (www.korotkov.org). In order to estimate the statistical reproducibility of the data, no less than 10 independent measurements were taken for each type of the water, whereupon the results were averaged.
All studies were conducted at temperatures within the range of 22.5-23.5°С and relative humidity of 42-44%.

Results of the experiment:

Fig.1 shows the changes of the GDV-parameters plotted against the time duration of the electric field’s influence on the drop of the solution.

Fig. 1. Time dependence of the GDV-glow area of the water drop. 1,2 – Samples W1 and W2, which were taken right after the depressurization of the bottle. 3,4 – Samples W3 and W4 which were taken 4 hours after the depressurization of the bottle. 5 – Distilled water with added salts.

The presented data show that right after the depressurization of the bottle the glow of water is characterized by great variability between the measurements and by considerable increase of the values of parameters, with two distinct phases: during the first 30-40 seconds, and then until 2 minutes after the depressurization; 2 minutes after the depressurization the results become stabilized. For the samples of water that were taken 4 hours after the depressurization, a rise can be observed during the first 40 seconds; after that the parameters remain stable. Same behavior is observed for the salt solution; however, its glow amplitude is considerably lower. The obtained data allow concluding the following.

1. As soon as the bottle is opened, the mineral water interacts with the oxygen from the air and with the applied field, whereupon its state is actively changed towards the stable level. This process seems analogous to the process of wine ageing upon air exposure.
2. During the first 30-40 seconds after the application of the field the liquid undergoes active structuring process accompanied with the increase in the glow amplitude. This process may be connected with the formation of the conductivity channels within the liquid.
3. When the liquid is exposed to air during 4 hours, the amplitude and nature of its glow undergo substantial changes. This may be related to the degassing of the mineral water.
4. The introduction of BAA into water does not influence the nature of its glow.


The mentioned data show that the GDV method has high selectiveness and sensitivity when used for the study of liquid-phase objects, in particular, various types of water. The obtained information depends on the chemical composition of water, but the determining and the most curious dependency is the dependency on the structural composition of the liquid. The GDV-glow parameters are determined by the emission activity of the surface layer of the liquid, which depends on the presence of surface-active valences. This property is obviously determined by the structure of the near-surface clusters, which means that the GDV-method is one of the most informative methods for study of structural-informational properties of liquids. Today we have every reason to include the GDV-method into the framework of the full-scale study of water and liquids properties.
The study of the influence of the human consciousness on the GDV-parameters of water represents an interesting area of research. Numerous experiments showed that mental influence results in statistically different changes of the parameters of the GDV-glow of water that remain intact for a long time [8]. These results are not of purely gnoseological importance, but of a real practical value as well, because they prove that the quality of food depends on the mental mood of the person that prepared it. As the saying goes, “poison given by a wise man is better than manna given by an enemy”. We are sure that the GDV method will help find increasingly numerous applications for the study of properties of liquids.

* Gudakova G., Galinkin V., Korotkov K. Study of the phases of the development of fungi CANDIDA by Gas Discharge Visualization technique (Kirlian effect)/J of Mycology and Fitology (in Russian) 1990. v.24, N 2. pp. 174-179
* Koroktov K., Gurvitz B., Krilov B. New conceptual approach to the early diagnosis of cancer. / Consciousness and Physical Reality (in Russian) 1998. v. 3, № 1, pp. 51-58.
* Sviridov L., Stepanov A., Hlopunova O., Koroktov K., Ahmeteli G., Korotkina S., Kriganovski E. Registration of the agglutination reaction by Gas Discharge Visualization technique./ Modern Microbiology. Proceedings of the scientific conference. (in Russian). 2003. Saint Petersburg, pp. 32-33.
* Bell I., Lewis D.A., Brooks A.J., Lewis S.E., Schwartz G.E. Gas Discharge Visualisation Evaluation of Ultramolecular Doses of Homeopathic Medicines Under Blinded, Controlled Conditions. J of Alternative and Complementary Medicine, - 2003, - 9, №1, рр. 25-37.
* Korotkov K. Spiral Travers. Backbone Publishing Company. NY. 2007.
* Korotkov K., Korotkin D. Concentration dependence of gas discharge around drops of inorganic electrolytes. J of Applied Physics, 2001, 89, 9, 4732-4737.
* Korotkov K., Krizhanovsky E., Borisova M., Hayes M., Matravers P., Momoh K.S., Peterson P., Shiozawa K., and Vainshelboim A. The Research of the Time Dynamics of the Gas Discharge Around Drops of Liquids. J of Applied Physics. 2004
* Measuring energy Fields. Backbone Publishing Company. NY. 2004



*Williams B., **Korotkov K.
*University of Kansas and University of Integrative Medicine, USA,
**University of Informational Technologies, Mechanics and Optics, Russia,

The Electrophotonic – EPC Technique, based on Gas Discharge Visualization process is well characterized in the physical processes by which it captures and analyzes data [1,2]. This paper explores candidate mechanisms in physiology and biophysics through which EPC data from biological subjects can reflect the state of health in human beings.

Increasing numbers of clinical studies show that particular details in EPC data correlate with conditions that can be characterized using standard medical diagnostics, as well as correlating with assessment methods used in a wide range of complementary medicine. For example, post-surgery recovery progress is correlated with EPC parameters. EPC parameters of sportsmen provide an independent diagnostic measure of psychophysical reserves in athletes, directly characterizing their actual psychomotor potential [3]. EPC data also shows a strong correlation with acupuncture electroconductance measurement effects [4].
Previous discussions [5] have proposed that EPC assessment methods can be understood using quantum biophysical models of entropy and information flows as follows: A main reservoir of free energy in biological processes is electron-excited states of complex molecular systems. This quantum model supports an argument that EPC techniques provide indirect judgment about the level of energy resources at the molecular level in structure-protein complexes. Collections of delocalized excited π-electrons in protein macromolecules provide an energy reservoir for physiological processes. Delocalization means that the collection of π- electrons is distributed in a certain way over the entire structure of a molecular complex. This enables the π-electrons not only to migrate within the limits of their own molecule, but also to transfer from one molecule to another, if the molecules are structurally united into ensembles. The most important mission of π-electrons in biological processes derives not only from their delocalization, but also from the peculiarities of their energy status. The difference between the energies of the main and the excited state is much smaller for π-electrons than for σ-electrons (local electrons). The transformation of electron energy in biostructures is connected not only with transfer of electrons, but also with the migration of electronic excitation energy, which does not include electron detachment from a donor’s molecule. Inductive-resonance, exchange-resonance, and excitonic mechanisms for transfer of electronic excitation turn out to be the most important for biological systems. These processes are significant when we consider energy transfers in molecular complexes, which aren’t, as a rule, followed by a transfer of charge.
Specific structural-protein complexes within the mass of the skin provide channels of heightened electron conductivity, measurable at acupuncture points on the skin surface. Stimulated impulse emissions from the skin are also developed mainly by transport of delocalized π-electrons. Stimulated by high voltage impulses, optical emissions amplified in gaseous discharge, are registered by optical sensors in the EPC technique. Television capture of the time dynamics of this glow from the skin, with a scale of some millimeters in diameter, and frame-by-frame comparison of these pictures of fluorescence during each voltage impulse show that the emission centers appear approximately from the same skin points. Ion-depolarization processes in the tissue have no time to develop within the short periods of EPC stimulation of 10 nsec, therefore the current may be resulting from the transport of electrons within structural complexes of skin or other biological tissue under investigation, included in the chain of impulse electrical current flow. Biological tissues are assumed to be divided into dielectrics and conductors (primarily biological conducting liquids). In order to unite the effects of stimulated electron emission, it is necessary to consider electron transport mechanisms along non-conducting structures. Most attention in this sphere has been focused on concepts of electron tunnel transport between separate protein molecules-carriers, separated from one another by energy barriers. The processes of electron tunnel transport are experimentally well studied and modeled by the example of transferring electrons along the protein chain. The tunnel mechanism provides the initial act of electron transfer between donor-acceptor groups in the protein, each being within 0.5 – 1.0 nm distance from one another. There are also many examples, however, where the electron is transferred within the protein for much longer distances. It is thus essential that the transfer can take place not only within the limits of one protein molecule, but may also involve the interaction of different protein structures. The characteristic time of electron transfer ranges between 10-11 and 10-6 sec, which corresponds to the development time for a single emission act in the EPC technique.
Building on this prior discussion, the present paper explores further possible mechanisms for communication of internal physiological states to the skin surface, where stimulated emissions provide EPC information. New ideas about the role of biophotonic resonance processes for maintaining coordinated metabolic action, [6] and the role of water and reactive oxygen species (ROS) in providing information flow, energy reservoirs and energy pumping, [7,8] all emphasize the potential for extended models of physiological communication and control. Recent biophysical research reveals a wide range of properties that enable the body to use sound, light, electricity, magnetic fields, heat, elasticity, torsion and other forms of vibration as signals for integrating and coordinating diverse physiological activities [9].
James Oschman has explored concepts of communication and coordination in physiological processes, connecting all levels of physical organization through what he calls a "Living Matrix," reaching from processes in the nuclei of cells through the intracellular dynamics mediated by the cellular cytoskeleton and communicating through the cell membranes to connective tissues ramifying throughout the body. Key innovations have been the recognition of processes involved with the intracellular cytoskeleton and the connective tissues in physiology at extra-cellular levels. Historically biochemistry developed along lines focused on chemical processes of molecular formation, emphasizing the energy economy of reduction/oxidation reactions, with enzyme catalysis and hormone regulation as main sources of coordination and modulation. Newly developing perspectives are going beyond these processes, examining electronic semi-conduction and quantum electronic processes involving resonant states of complex molecular systems. Enzyme catalysis is now being explored as a process regulated by quantum tunneling [10] and Luca Turin has proposed a model in which the olfactory sense identifies molecules by detecting interior molecular bonding structures using electron tunneling "spectroscopy." [11] Hameroff was one of the first to propose information processing along the microtubules in cells using quantum coherence processes.[12]
A striking aspect of EPC data is the strong correlation with signal and energy flows associated with the acupuncture meridians. Various models have been explored for the mechanisms of acupuncture. Strong evidence exists for the reality and physiological character of acupuncture processes. Histological studies have identified unique tissue arrangements at acupuncture points, involving a lymphatic trunk entwined by an arteriol and an associated small vein. The lymph and blood vessels are surrounded by networks of unmylenated cholenergic autonomic nerves. The entire complex at each acupuncture point is embedded in a column of loosely arranged connective tissue, enclosed in a boundary of more densely packed connective tissue. The interaction of these anatomical processes make acupuncture points a network of nodes interfacing between the body's matrix of connective tissues and the major circulatory and neural regulatory systems.[13,14,15] And new evidence is gathering for signal and energy flows along the "Living Matrix" of the connective tissues and cellular cytoskeleton. Strong evidence previously was seen for ion flow along lamina in tissue as part of the acupuncture processes. Evidence has recently also been found for ultra-high speed signal flow associated with acupuncture systems an order of magnitude faster than neurological signals.[16]
Mae-Wan Ho proposes a multilayed physiological energy and information system: "The extracellular, intracellular, and nuclear matrices together constitute a noiseless excitable electronic continuum for rapid intercommunication and energy flow permeating the entire organism, enabling it to function as a coherent and sentient whole."[17] Her insights focus on coordination and communication processes across multiple levels of physiology, with the tissues of the entire organism acting as a liquid crystal continuum, passing information and energy up and down within systems and subsystems, coordinated throughout the Living Matrix.[18] Testing with the EPC perturbs an organism with stimulating voltage pulses, creating miniature displacements of the holistic regulatory system. Similar to holographic processes, this transaction with a small part reveals the responsiveness of the whole. Any maladjusted organ system shows a disordered sector in the corona discharge at the associated fingertip. Analysis in the frequency domains of EPC data could reveal subtle multi-layered systemic resonance. The potential for such frequency domain analysis has been seen in an assessment of EPC data that correctly identified the driving frequency profile in an acoustic binaural beat entrainment stimulus during a single subject session at the Monroe Institute in Virginia. We have also seen fruitful correlations in EPC data with heart rate variability measures.[3]


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