четверг, 30 мая 2019 г.

Water change Living System

Water change Living System: Since water is the main element of every living thing representing the information system of all Existence,  research into the results of information  impact on the state of various biological systems while transmitting information via water may be of importance for the development of the vision concerning the role water plays in the living systems’ functioning.

воскресенье, 24 марта 2013 г.

Structured Water in Cosmetology

Natural cosmetic production using Structured Water



Water filters, Water cartriges, Nano-carbon, Water Dynamization devices, Drinking Water devices, Industrial Water Dynamization and other WATER DEVICES for Pure Water Contemporary Technologies



Structure Water

What is the Structure Water?
What is the structure of water? Lately there has been much talk about structures in water. Advocates of these ideas claim that certain structures of a lacework pattern similar to crystals are formed in water, while adversaries call it pseudoscientific and quote well-known facts from physics textbooks. Who is right and what is the viewpoint of contemporary science on this matter?
Structured Water / Water structure